British Books Challenge 2014
While I didn't complete the Challenge in 2013, though 9 out of 12 was pretty good, I've signed up again. It was interesting to discover how many non-British authors have British characters in their books or use Great Britain as their setting.
February ugghh completely forgot it this month :(

1. England Ten Lords a Leaping C.C. Bennison
2a. Switzerland The Geography of Bliss Eric Weiner
2b. Bhutan The Geography of Bliss Eric Weiner
2c. Moldova The Geography of Bliss Eric Weiner
2d. Qatar The Geography of Bliss Eric Weiner
2e. India The Geography of Bliss Eric Weiner
2f. Thailand The Geography of Bliss Eric Weiner
2g. Iceland The Geography of Bliss Eric Weiner
3. Ireland A Week in Winter Maeve Binchy
4. Denmark The Keeper of Lost Causes J. Aulder-Olsen
**Afghanistan Bones of the Lost
**India A Life Less Ordinary
**Germany The Scribe
A type or element of weather
A subject in school (Bonus)

Apr Short & Sweet **The First
May- Mystery Mayham and Murder*Bones of The Lost
June A Long Journey**Company of Liars
July- Assassians
Sep Book to Movie
Nov An Oldie but a Goodie
Dec That's a Wrap

Alternate History Fiction
Graphic Novel
For this challenge, the goal is to mix up the genres/categories we read. We have all had those times when we have gotten stuck in the genre/category we are currently reading and read nothing else for a while.
April- Middle Grade May- Dystopian June- High Fantasy July- Adult August- Paranormal Infamous September- Romance Snobbery With Violence October- Sci-Fi November- Historical Fiction Cemetery Dance
December- New Adult Not My Father's Son

Simply put over the year read 9 books with one of these color words in its title:
Any shade of Green (Emerald, Lime, Jade, etc)
Any shade of Black (Jet, Ebony, Charcoal, etc)
Any shade of White (Ivory, Eggshell, Cream, etc)
Any other color in the title (Purple, Orange, Silver, Pink, Magneta, etc.)**Peaches for Father Francis
A word that implies color (Rainbow, Polka-dot, Plaid, Paisley, Stripe, etc.)
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