August 16, 2013

Losing Fat Loving Food Friday August 16th #WeightWatchers

OK I know I've been a bit MIA these past Fridays, sorry. I have started something new and wanted to see how it was working before sharing with you here.
After a very deep discussion at Weight Watchers three weeks ago it hit me what a hypocrite I've been.  For the past 14 months my Thursdays have been about the number on the scale.  Did the scale go up?  Is the number smaller even by one tenth of a pound?  I was allowing numbers to determine the value of my efforts for the last 7 days.  
The scale issue was bothering me on a different level.  As you know my daughter is anorexic. Anorexics live and unfortunately literally die by the number on a scale. They believe that number will tell them how good they are.  The smaller the number the better they are, unfortunately no number is ever small enough for them.
So with these two conflicting thought streams running consecutively through my head I decided it was time to make a change.  
How can I tell Meg the scale is not important yet anxiously wait to see what it says to me every Thursday?
I am still committed to the Weight Watchers Program.  I am still committed to creating a healthier me.  The difference is I no longer know on a weekly basis what I weigh.  When I attend my WW meeting I am still getting on the scale and handing over my record book.  June or Pam will put in a sticker that has the information from the scale.  The book is then closed up with tape until the next meeting.  
Now if I have gained a star for losing another 5 pounds that's great and you better believe I want it. Another reason for knowing about the 5 pounds is so that I know if my point allotment has changed.  There's a possibility that it may drop between the stars but that would only be by one point so I'm not too worried about that.  By the way I will most definitely be telling you when I've gained those 5 pound stars!!

So I've noticed a change in my eating habits.  I don't recall when it happened but it did.  When I go out to eat I am almost always looking for a great salad.  It used to drive me nuts to see people at a wonderful restaurant eating salads but that's me now.  That's not to say I don't enjoy Joey Mozzarella's pasta from time to time but somewhere along the line I developed this habit and I must say I am a bit proud of myself.  
One of my current find is Newk's Red White and Blue Salad (which is enough for 2 meals).  It is only for the summer but is so yummy. Nutritional Calculator 
With a spinach based this salad combines blueberries, strawberries, feta cheese and watermelon. I've never had Watermelon in a salad before and I want to know WHY! It adds such a great unexpected flavor especially against the saltiness of the feta cheese. Another thing I like at Newk's is that when you order a salad they ask you if you want the dressing tossed or on the side~definitely get it on the side or else your salad will be swimming..  Like Panera and other such places Newk's offers a

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